Tour de FoodCycle
This September, FoodCycle Bristol Hub Leaders Alice, Cat and Hattie will be cycling from London to Paris and back (over 300 miles!) to raise money for FoodCycle. The Challenge As well as taking on this incredible challenge to raise valuable funds for FoodCycle’s projects, the trio aim to increase awareness about food waste along the […]
London to Brighton – Thank you!
A massive congratulation to our team of cyclists that took on the London to Brighton cycle ride last weekend! They’ve raised over £1,500 so far – and donations are still rolling in! Thank you to everyone that donated and a huge thanks to all of our fantastic fundraisers. You made the day so enjoyable and […]
Plastic bag tax to tackle poverty
What’s going on? The days of the plastic bag are numbered: from October 5th, a new law will mean that supermarkets will charge 5p for every plastic bag we use when we go shopping. The scheme aims to reduce the amount of litter associated with plastic bags, and encourage us to dig out our ‘bags […]
Countdown to #FoodCycle2015 conference
On Saturday 24th October, around 80 Hub Leaders, of all ages from all over the UK will be sacrificing their weekend lie-ins and rising early with one thing in common – they will all be heading to the annual FoodCycle Conference 2015! What is the FoodCycle Conference? The FoodCycle Conference is an annual two-day event […]
Veolia volunteering at FoodCycle Islington
Dan, from Veolia, recently volunteered at FoodCycle Islington – he shares his experience here… T’was a clear and crisp morning when we set off to ‘Waitrose’ to see what food they might have saved for us. While we waited anxiously for the team leaders to return, we made introductions and chatted about how we came […]
Wow, FoodCycle 2015, what a weekend!
Last weekend, 70 brilliant individuals from across the country came together for the highlight of the FoodCycle calendar: the annual Hub Leader conference! It was so great to see you all – thank you for joining us, for your energy, your enthusiasm and your dedication. As Mary said at the beginning of the conference, and […]
Happy birthday FoodCycle Liverpool!
FoodCycle Liverpool turns one On Thursday 29th November, FoodCycle Liverpool celebrated its first birthday in Toxteth. For the past year, a committed team of volunteers have been serving meals to the local community every Wednesday evening and it was clear on Thursday just how much the meal means to the guests, many who are regular […]
Sheffield goes gardening…
This week we have a guest post from Matt Cockrean, an avid FoodCycler in Sheffield. Not content with cooking up a storm in the kitchen, they created a FoodCycle Kitchen garden. In this post Matt describes what the FoodCyclers of Sheffield have been getting up to. With a small discovery similar to Bingham’s uncovering of […]
Lent: the time to be a Hub Leader
Lent is upon us and many of you will have now banned chocolate, crisps, biscuits, cake or cheese to pass your lips for the next 40 days. But we’ve got a challenge for you: instead of giving up one of the banned substances mentioned above, why not take up something up? Become a FoodCycle Hub […]
A FoodCycle twist on #GivingTuesday
It’s only the 1st of December and if you’re already sick of the Christmas hype, you’re not the only one. Today marks Giving Tuesday – an antidote to packed streets, stressful shops, frantic Black Fridays and Cyber Monday meltdowns. Today is the day you can forget about the the tinsel and turkey malarkey – and […]
World AIDS Day at FoodCycle
Today is World AIDS day. It is an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV, show their support for people living with HIV and to commemorate people who have died. FoodCycle LSE is partnered with the HIV charity The Food Chain, and in this post Anna Ellis explains what that partnerships […]
Feelin’ festive at FoodCycle Bloomsbury!
Last weekend, FoodCycle Bloomsbury kicked off the Christmas season with a festive fundraiser – they raised over £570 and had a fantastic night. But you don’t need us to tell you that – just read their Christmassy poem for a flavour of the night! Twas not the night before Christmas, but it wasn’t far off! […]