If it wasn’t for our food collection heroes, none of our tasty, community meals could happen. They hit the streets, hop on bikes or jump in cars each week to rescue lots of food that would otherwise go to waste. The food often can’t be sold because it is past it’s best before or sell by date, but is still perfectly safe to eat – and delicious! This week Project Leader Gordon, shows us what it’s like on a collection and tells us why he loves volunteering in wonderful Cambridge.
How long have you been volunteering with FoodCycle?
I’ve been involved now for around 18 months and a project leader for one year. When I took early retirement I wanted to keep active in areas that I had always been interested/passionate about, but full time employment always got in the way!

Why did you want to get involved?
Tackling food waste was the principal reason as it links to my other voluntary work interests of conservation and sustainability, but I also care greatly about food poverty.

What did you enjoy the most?
One of the main things I enjoy is working with a great team of volunteers of all ages and backgrounds as I was concerned with missing that social interaction and camaraderie which I enjoyed all through my working career. And of course having the project leadership responsibility and a great bunch of people to work with you can make a real difference to our guests lives which is also extremely satisfying.

Inspired by Gordon and fancy being a food collection hero in your area? Sign up here!