Vegan Pancakes

Top Tip: Serve with toppings of your choice such as sliced bananas, maple syrup, blueberries etc…

Emergency Sponge Cake

Top Tips: You can add fruit to the bottom for an upside down cake, just don’t line with baking paper. Or sprinkle choc chips or raisins on the top prior to cooking. If you don’t have any vanilla extract don’t worry – it’s not essential!

Pastry and Custard Bake with Mango Coulis

Top Tips: You can use an assortment of pastries including croissants, pain au chocolats, and Danish whirls. Sprinkle the pastry and custard tray with demerara sugar before putting in the oven to add extra sweetness.

Vegan Banana Bread

Vegan banana cake

Top Tip: If your bananas are not quite ripe enough you can put them in the oven while it preheats to soften them.

Dairy Free Sponge Cake

Top Tips: Using cocoa powder turns this plain sponge into chocolate cake. Cooking times vary based on how big the baking trays are. When making 30 servings, we’d recommend splitting this into three large trays.

Apple Cheesecake

Top Tips: Switch out the apple for any fruit you’ve got in the cupboards Mix up your choice of biscuit – ginger nuts, bourbons or whatever you fancy! If you want to save yourself the washing up, make it directly in your serving bowls as a deconstructed kind of dessert