We’d like to welcome our friends at Fooditude to ‘Using Your Loaf’. They have written a guest post all about our partnership and the Food Invention Challenge.
FoodCycle and Fooditude
We are Fooditude, a catering company that delivers fresh, healthy and delicious meals, cooked from scratch to tech and media firms across central London. Our purpose is to bring happiness into the workplace and we do this through our food and service that transforms the traditional staff canteen into a convivial setting, bringing teams together over lunch.
Our clients view food as a way to energise and reward their staff and use us as a partner to help shape workplace culture.
We started our journey with FoodCycle in October last year. A team of us took up the Food Invention Challenge as part of a Waste Awareness Week. Since then, we have participated in the Food Invention Challenge three more times with staff and clients. After each one, our chefs have come back inspired by creative ideas that we intend to translate into some of our daily changing menus. We are noticing a positive shift in attitudes towards working with surplus produce and a renewed focus on finding ways of reducing waste in existing production cycles. We still have a long way to go on our food waste journey but, as they say, baby steps. These challenges are also a great team-building activity and have been a creative way for us to engage on a personal level with team members we otherwise don’t interact with or even our clients.
This year we also attended the FoodCycle 10th Anniversary Gala. It was a fantastic event with an amazing purpose and allowed us to introduce FoodCycle’s excellent work to more of our clients. All of them expressed interest in working with FoodCycle and we’re currently looking at ways we can raise awareness about FoodCycle’s mission.
So why do we support Foodcycle?
Well, of course, we love that they’re rescuing surplus food and putting it to good use, but it’s more than that. There seem to be several parallels in their aims and our values that make working together an easy fit. We are both all about offering healthy, nutritious meals to our diners and encourage friendships and a sense of community in our dining spaces. We admire FoodCycle’s respectful and welcoming approach towards everyone who may need or would like to come into one of their projects for a meal. They provide a safe atmosphere that helps combat loneliness.
Similarly, Fooditude offers more than just lunch to our diners. As partners to our clients, we help create experiences that not only nourish and energise staff but also provide them with an atmosphere that is focussed on happiness and making personal connections that help alleviate workplace loneliness.
We feel this is only the beginning of a fantastic partnership that will create some innovative approaches to corporate giving. So, watch this space!
To know more about Fooditude or to feed your team happy, please drop them an email.
To know more about FoodCycle, our Food Invention Challenges or the ways we can work together, please email Miriam.