‘A Week Less Wasted‘ is our nationwide challenge to cut all food waste for a week in August.
In the UK we waste 7 million tonnes of food every year while 8.4 million people are struggling to feed themselves.
A problem this size calls for big solutions. But there’s a smaller solution to this crisis – a solution you can do yourself. A solution that’s sitting in your fridge, or at the back of your cupboard, or even in your bin.
Take up the challenge of cutting out food waste in your office for a week this August and help us to reduce food waste and food poverty nationwide.
Great Reasons To Take Part
How It Works
Join the FoodCycle team in tackling food waste at the office this August.
If you would like to speak to a member of the team before signing up please get in touch with Miriam.
You can also take part in ‘A Week Less Wasted’ as an individual.