An estimated three million children risk being hungry in the school holidays in the UK. The daily struggle with hunger, for some families, rules out any chance they might otherwise have of going out and enjoying themselves, leading to inactivity, isolation and loneliness.
On top of this, in our projects up and down the country, FoodCycle guests are struggling to make ends meet.
The Holiday Hunger Challenge is a campaign to raise awareness of what it’s like to be hungry in Britain today.
We are asking you to live on a food and drink budget of £2.50 a day for one week this July to raise vital funds for FoodCycle’s work across the country. Ask your friends, family and work to sponsor you, or donate the money you would usually spend that week.
We know that we will only be doing this for a week, and millions of people in the UK, including many of those we work with at FoodCycle, don’t have this choice. For them, it isn’t a ‘challenge’, it’s their life, and it’s an ongoing struggle for them to use that budget to feed themselves and their families with nutritious food.
However, living on a low food and drink budget can be an eye-opening experience for many and we think that, in a small way, it can help people to understand what it’s like to not have enough.
Join us in the fight against holiday hunger.
Sign up below to receive more information about how to get involved, fundraising advice and a Holiday Hunger pack.
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