HTTP method: GET
URL of API call to Salesforce:
API result from Salesforce
[code] => 200
[data] => Array
[attributes] => Array
[type] => Account
[url] => /services/data/v55.0/sobjects/Account/001Qs000009tJEuIAM
[Id] => 001Qs000009tJEuIAM
[IsDeleted] =>
[MasterRecordId] =>
[Name] => FoodCycle London Fulham Court
[Type] => FoodCycle Hub
[RecordTypeId] => 01208000000kg3sAAA
[ParentId] =>
[BillingStreet] =>
[BillingCity] =>
[BillingState] =>
[BillingPostalCode] =>
[BillingCountry] =>
[BillingLatitude] =>
[BillingLongitude] =>
[BillingGeocodeAccuracy] =>
[BillingAddress] =>
[ShippingStreet] => Family Hub Tudor Rose Community Centre, Fulham Ct
[ShippingCity] => London
[ShippingState] =>
[ShippingPostalCode] => SW6 5PG
[ShippingCountry] =>
[ShippingLatitude] =>
[ShippingLongitude] =>
[ShippingGeocodeAccuracy] =>
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[city] => London
[country] =>
[geocodeAccuracy] =>
[latitude] =>
[longitude] =>
[postalCode] => SW6 5PG
[state] =>
[street] => Family Hub Tudor Rose Community Centre, Fulham Ct
[Phone] => +4407955735257
[Fax] =>
[AccountNumber] =>
[Website] =>
[PhotoUrl] => /services/images/photo/001Qs000009tJEuIAM
[Sic] =>
[Industry] =>
[AnnualRevenue] =>
[NumberOfEmployees] =>
[Ownership] =>
[TickerSymbol] =>
[Description] =>
[Rating] =>
[Site] =>
[OwnerId] => 0050800000GsrnYAAR
[CreatedDate] => 2024-04-08T07:56:41.000+0000
[CreatedById] => 0051p00000AnIBTAA3
[LastModifiedDate] => 2024-09-29T03:45:11.000+0000
[LastModifiedById] => 00524000001NODJAA4
[SystemModstamp] => 2024-09-29T03:45:11.000+0000
[LastActivityDate] => 2024-08-14
[LastViewedDate] => 2024-09-26T13:44:13.000+0000
[LastReferencedDate] => 2024-09-26T13:44:13.000+0000
[IsCustomerPortal] =>
[Jigsaw] =>
[JigsawCompanyId] =>
[AccountSource] => Project Leader Application Form
[SicDesc] =>
[npe01__One2OneContact__c] =>
[npe01__SYSTEMIsIndividual__c] =>
[npe01__SYSTEM_AccountType__c] =>
[npe01__FirstDonationDate__c] =>
[npe01__LastDonationDate__c] =>
[npe01__LifetimeDonationHistory_Amount__c] => 0
[npe01__LifetimeDonationHistory_Number__c] => 0
[npo02__AverageAmount__c] => 0
[npo02__Best_Gift_Year_Total__c] =>
[npo02__Best_Gift_Year__c] =>
[npo02__FirstCloseDate__c] =>
[npo02__Formal_Greeting__c] =>
[npo02__HouseholdPhone__c] =>
[npo02__Informal_Greeting__c] =>
[npo02__LargestAmount__c] => 0
[npo02__LastCloseDate__c] =>
[npo02__LastMembershipAmount__c] => 0
[npo02__LastMembershipDate__c] =>
[npo02__LastMembershipLevel__c] =>
[npo02__LastMembershipOrigin__c] =>
[npo02__LastOppAmount__c] => 0
[npo02__MembershipEndDate__c] =>
[npo02__MembershipJoinDate__c] =>
[npo02__NumberOfClosedOpps__c] => 0
[npo02__NumberOfMembershipOpps__c] => 0
[npo02__OppAmount2YearsAgo__c] => 0
[npo02__OppAmountLastNDays__c] => 0
[npo02__OppAmountLastYear__c] => 0
[npo02__OppAmountThisYear__c] => 0
[npo02__OppsClosed2YearsAgo__c] => 0
[npo02__OppsClosedLastNDays__c] => 0
[npo02__OppsClosedLastYear__c] => 0
[npo02__OppsClosedThisYear__c] => 0
[npo02__SmallestAmount__c] => 0
[npo02__TotalMembershipOppAmount__c] => 0
[npo02__TotalOppAmount__c] => 0
[npsp__Batch__c] =>
[npsp__Number_of_Household_Members__c] =>
[npsp__Membership_Span__c] =>
[npsp__Membership_Status__c] =>
[npsp__Funding_Focus__c] =>
[npsp__Grantmaker__c] =>
[Email__c] =>
[Total_Donations_Current_FY__c] =>
[Sage_Account_Number__c] =>
[Org_Sub_Type__c] =>
[Date_Founded__c] =>
[Social_Media__c] =>
[Account_Rating__c] =>
[Average_Outreach__c] => 0
[HOC__Address_Visibility__c] => City and Zip only
[Application_Procedure__c] =>
[Area_of_Operation__c] =>
[Charity_Commission_Link__c] =>
[Charity_No__c] =>
[Company_No__c] =>
[Contribution_Type__c] =>
[HOC__Age_Groups_Served__c] =>
[East_Midlands_Sub_Category__c] =>
[East_of_England_Sub_Category__c] =>
[England_Sub_Categories__c] =>
[Funding_Exclusions__c] =>
[HOC__Also_Known_As__c] =>
[Focus__c] =>
[HOC__Auto_Approve_Opportunity__c] =>
[HOC__Banner_URL__c] =>
[Hub_Type__c] => Directly Delivered
[Launch_Date__c] => 2024-06-03
[LinkedIn_Company_Page__c] =>
[Location_Specific_Sub_Category__c] =>
[London_Sub_Category__c] =>
[North_East_Sub_Category__c] =>
[North_West_Sub_Category__c] =>
[Other_Contribution__c] =>
[Other_Social_Media_Blog__c] =>
[Partner__c] => 001Qs000009QtvRIAS
[HOC__CreationSource__c] =>
[South_East_Sub_Category__c] =>
[South_West__c] =>
[Status_of_Relationship__c] =>
[Typical_Grant_Size__c] =>
[UK_SubCategory__c] =>
[West_Midlands_Sub_Category__c] =>
[Yorkshire_and_the_Humber__c] =>
[Instagram__c] =>
[Funding_Priorities__c] =>
[HOC__Federal_EIN__c] =>
[Hub_Time_of_Operation__c] =>
[Hub_Operational_Status__c] => Operational
[Twitter__c] =>
[Facebook__c] =>
[LinkedIn__c] =>
[Featured_in_Invisible_Grantmakers__c] =>
[Reporting_requirements__c] =>
[Trustfunding__c] =>
[Food_Donation_Rating__c] =>
[Franchise_Partner__c] =>
[First_Cook_Date__c] => 2024-06-03
[Franchise_Contract_Sign_Date__c] =>
[HOC__For_Business_Description__c] =>
[Other_key_dates__c] =>
[Memo_of_Understanding_Sign_Date__c] => 2024-04-08
[HOC__For_Business__c] =>
[HOC__Genders_Served__c] => All Genders Served
[Health__c] =>
[Age__c] =>
[Social_or_Economic_Circumstance__c] =>
[Disability__c] =>
[Faith_based__c] =>
[HOC__Goods_and_Services__c] =>
[HOC__HOC_Domain_Name__c] =>
[HOC__HON_Affiliate_ID__c] =>
[HOC__Impact_Area__c] => Hunger & Homelessness
[HOC__Import_ID__c] =>
[HOC__Invitation_Code__c] =>
[HOC__LastModifiedByV2__c] =>
[HOC__Logo_Image__c] =>
[HOC__Logo_URL__c] =>
[HOC__Mission_Statement__c] =>
[HOC__Number_of_Organizations__c] => 1
[HOC__Opportunity_Approval_Manager_Email__c] =>
[HOC__Opportunity_Approval_Manager__c] => 00524000005E0oKAAS
[HOC__Opportunity_Coordinator__c] =>
[HOC__Partner_Approval_Manager__c] => 00524000005E0oKAAS
[HOC__Populations_Served__c] =>
[HOC__Primary_Address__c] => Billing
[HOC__Primary_City__c] =>
[HOC__Primary_Contact__c] =>
[HOC__Primary_State__c] =>
[HOC__Primary_Street__c] =>
[HOC__Primary_Zip__c] =>
[HOC__Service_Hours_Given__c] => 6.5
[HOC__Sponsor_Group__c] =>
[HOC__Status__c] => Active Partner
[HOC__Syndication_Logo_URL__c] =>
[HOC__Volunteer_Coordinator_Email__c] =>
[HOC__Volunteer_Coordinator_Name__c] =>
[HOC__Volunteer_Leader_Approval_Manager__c] => 00524000005E0oKAAS
[HOC__ownerIdV2__c] =>
[EHO_Inspection__c] => 2024-06-25
[Contact_UserID__c] =>
[groupid__c] =>
[HOC__Site3_0_CreatedBy__c] =>
[HOC__Site3_0_ModifiedBy__c] =>
[HOC__EditionSource__c] =>
[Account_ID__c] => 001Qs000009tJEu
[EHO_Star_Rating__c] => 5
[LA_Registration_Date__c] => 2024-04-11
[Closest_Hub__c] =>
[Account_Name_For__c] => FoodCycle London Fulham Court
[Venue_Capacity__c] => 60
[Region__c] => North & West London
[Closed_Date__c] =>
[Restricted_Funding__c] =>
[Restricted_Area__c] =>
[Total_Orders_Cost__c] =>
[Total_Cost_for_Orders_this_FY__c] =>
[Additional_food_costs_This_FY__c] =>
[Total_Activity_Costs_this_FY__c] => 0
[Venue_Cost_per_year__c] => 0
[Franchise_Contract_End_Date__c] =>
[Account_ID_18_Digit__c] => 001Qs000009tJEuIAM
[HOC__Use_for_Team_Creation_Lookup__c] =>
[TASKRAY__trCustomerOnboardingScore__c] =>
[TASKRAY__trDesiredOutcomes__c] =>
[HOC__WrsCode__c] =>
[delivery_information_for_orders__c] =>
[Date_Project_Started_Take_Away_Meals__c] =>
[Corona_Virus_Related_Project_Notes__c] =>
[CoronaVirus_Closure_Date__c] =>
[CoronaVirus_Expected_Open_Date__c] =>
[CoronaVirus_D__c] =>
[Agreed_Hours_at_Project_Venue__c] => 4pm to 8:30pm
[Contact_Info__c] =>
[Deadline_Date__c] =>
[C_C_Meal_Collection_Time__c] =>
[Signposting_Referral_Criteria__c] =>
[Service_Shelter__c] =>
[Service_Food__c] =>
[Service_Clothing_Bank__c] =>
[Service_Baby_Bank__c] =>
[Service_Other__c] =>
[Hub_Days_of_Operation__c] => Monday
[Link_to_Project_Folder_on_Sharepoint__c] =>
[Venue_Fire_Safety_Plan_Uploaded__c] => 1
[Owner_Email__c] =>
[Do_Not_Contact_Via_Phone__c] =>
[Do_Not_Contact_via_Email__c] =>
[Do_Not_Contact_via_Mail__c] =>
[Total_Community_Meals_Provided__c] => 359
[Total_Food_Saved_KG__c] => 1245
[Return_to_CD_dates__c] =>
[Total_Community_Meals_CY__c] => 359
[Total_Surplus_Food_CY__c] => 1245
[FoodCycle_Area__c] => London and the South East
[Project_Leader_Recruitment_Status__c] => Pro-actively Recruiting
[Last_Activity__c] => 2024-08-14
[Disable_Toilet_at_Venue__c] => 1
[Disabled_Parking_at_Venue__c] =>
[Disability_Access_at_Venue__c] => 1
[Finance_Project_Code__c] => LO126
[XERO_GUID__c] =>
[Support_Officer__c] => 005Qs000001OqsvIAC
[User__c] =>
[Area_Manager__c] => 0051p00000AnIBTAA3
[Welcome_texts_for_guests__c] =>
[Volunteer_Opportunity__c] => a1zQs000001ivRpIAI
[Primary_Opportunity_link__c] =>
[Family_Friendly_open_project__c] => 1
[wrapmealsthisyear__c] => 2964.28572
[Geographical_Guest_Region_Nation__c] =>
[How_to_Find_us_for_website_pages__c] =>
[FCProject__c] =>
[Community_Partner_Services_Offered__c] =>
[Create_Community_Partner__c] =>
[FoodCycle_Project_Address__c] => Family Hub Tudor Rose Community Centre, Fulham Ct, London SW6 5PG
[Guest_Arrival_time__c] => 6:30 pm
[Weekly_Guest_Texts__c] => 1
[Capital_Funder__c] =>
[Primary_Venue_contact__c] => 003Qs000008MZgrIAG
[Secondary_Venue_contact__c] => 003Qs000008MTZqIAO
[Venue_Cost_per_month__c] => 0
[Venue_cost_per_session__c] => 0
[Venue_Cost_per_hour__c] => 0
[Franchise_Nominated_Individual__c] =>
[Prospect_Ranking__c] =>
[Can_support_project_with__c] =>
[Contacted_by_CiC_team__c] =>
[Contacted_by_Development_Team__c] =>
[DEV_TEAM_Services_Offered__c] =>
[Organisation_Notes_Community_Partners__c] =>
[Referral_type__c] =>
[Service_Operation_Status__c] =>
[Last_MOU_review_date__c] => 2024-04-08
[Signposting_Service_Description__c] =>
[Organisation_Relationship_Status__c] =>
[Signpostin_Organisation_type__c] =>
[Project_Description_for_fundraising__c] =>
[Key_system_and_key_holder_names__c] =>
[Project_on_Euan_s_guide_site__c] =>
[Closed_Project__c] =>
[COSHH_Sheets_present_for_project__c] => 1
[Date_COSHH_sheets_added_reviewed__c] => 2024-04-15
[Risk_Assessment__c] => 1
[Date_Risk_Assessment__c] => 2024-04-15
[Local_Communities_Description_from_case__c] => Hammersmith and Fulham is a borough to the West of London with a mixed deprivation profile. Overall, more deprived wards are located to the North of the borough, and less deprived wards to the South of the borough.
FoodCycle White City is located in the North of the borough, and over the past few years has grown into a weekly Saturday meal welcoming between 50 and 70 guests each week.
Fulham Court (situated within Town Ward) is a large estate which along with Clem Attlee estate nearby represents a pocket of deprivation with the wealthier South of the borough.
Town Ward Profile (taken from council-led research):
• 20% of the population is under 18 (19.5% in H&F), 71.9% are aged 18-64 (69.9% in H&F), 8.1% are 65 and over (10.6% in H&F).
• Using the SHLAA Ward population projections, the population is estimated to increase by 8.3% (907 people) by 2035. This includes a 28% (246) increase in the population aged 65+ and a 9.3% (189) in people aged 45-64.
• The ward ranks fifth highest in Hammersmith & Fulham on the proportion of the population describing themselves as White British (51.3%), and the third highest on proportion of ‘Other White’ residents (22.6%).
• Since 2001, there has been a 48.5% increase in the number of residents from Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) backgrounds to 5,454 in 2011; the fifth lowest number in H&F.
Country of Birth:
• 56.1% (6,281) of residents were born in England.
• Foreign-born residents made up 40.4% of the ward population (42.7% in H&F). France supplied most foreign-born residents (452) followed by Australia (342), United States (298), Republic of Ireland (263) and Italy (207).
• 14.9% of the population were born in an EU country (the tenth highest among all wards) compared with 14.8% in H&F and 10.3% in London as a whole.
• 75.4 % of households in the ward contain people aged 16+ who all speak English as a main language; ranked the fifth highest among all wards (71.8% in H&F).
• 11.9% of households have no people that speak English as a main language (14.5% in H&F).
• The main languages spoken in the ward are French (497 people), Spanish (199), Italian (178), Arabic (140), Portuguese (109), Polish (94) and Somali (82 people).
• Christians remained the largest religious group in the ward with 58.7% of residents (67.9% in 2001).
• There has been a 2.8 percentage point increase in the Muslim population to 793 in 2011; the fifth lowest number in H&F.
• Fewer than one in four (23.7%) residents stated as having no religion (ranked fourth lowest), while 7.8% did not answer the question related to religion. Deprivation:
• The ward is made up of 7 LSOAs and it has been measured as less deprived than in 2010 and 2007. The most deprived LSOA is among the 20% most deprived nationally. One LSOA is in the 30 to 40% most deprived nationally and three LSOAs are in the 50 to 60% most deprived. The two remaining LSOAs rank in the 60-80% most deprived nationally.
• The complexity of the demographics of the ward can easily be seen in a customer segmentation map where around 16% of residents are classified as coming from Deprived Families in Public Housing (17% in H&F) – this segment is clustered around three locations in the ward; with the area covering Fulham Court estate and Barclay Close, Lancaster Court, Arthur Henderson House and William Banfield House.
• 71.9% were in employment compared to 65.7% in H&F and 62.4% in London.
• 52.6% of those were full-time employees (ranked the highest in H&F), 6.2% were part time employees (ranked second lowest) and 13.2% were self-employed (ranked fourth highest).
Health and Social Care:
• 88.8% of residents assess their health as ‘good’ or ‘very good’ (85.7% in H&F).
• 3.7% rate their health as ‘bad’ or ‘very bad’ compared to 4.9% across the borough.
• In the 2011 Census, 10% (1,122) of residents reported to have a long term health problem or disability that limits their day-to-day activities; this is the second lowest level in the borough but a decrease of 0.2% since 2001 (the twelfth highest).
• Life expectancy in the ward is better for both the males and females than the borough and London averages with males expected to live 81.6 years and females expected to live 86.8 years.
• In terms of childhood obesity at reception age, 12.8% of children are estimated to be obese which is the second highest level in the borough (H&F 9.7% and London 10.2%).
• Similarly, child excess weight (overweight including obesity) at 23.7% is above both the borough (21.9%) and London (22%) averages.
• In Year 6, 19.1% of children are estimated to be obese which is below the borough and London averages of 22.4% and 23% respectively. The prevalence of excess weight among children in Year 6 in the ward stands at 33.8%.
• 37.8% of households are owner occupier (ranked fifth highest); a reduction of 9.5 percentage points from 2001.
• The private rented sector (incl. rent free) accounts for 38.5% of households (ranked fourth highest) with an increase of 10.9 percentage points since 2001.
• Nearly a quarter of households (23.8%) rent their home from a social housing; 17.6% rent from the Council (ranked sixth highest) and 6.2% from Housing Associations (ranked second lowest).
[Food_Poverty_Examples_from_Case__c] =>
24.5% of pupils in the ward receive free school meals; this is above both the borough average of 22.4% and London average of 17.5%.
[Issues_of_Social_Isolation_from_case__c] =>
[Existing_Services_in_the_Area_from_case__c] =>
Fulham Good Neighbours – Fulham Lunch Club, free lunch on a Wednesday at Rosaline Hall (70 Rosalie Road).
The Smile Brigade – Community Kitchen at Clem Attlee Hall
All Saints Fulham – free Thursday lunch.
Heartbeat Cafe at Fulham Broadway Methodist Church – pay what you can cafe on Wednesdays and Thursdays, working to reduce social isolation.
St Andrew's Fulham Fields Foodbank – Saturday mornings, also includes a takeaway or sit down hot meal.
Hammersmith & Fulham Foodbank (Trussell Trust) at St Matthew's Church, Tuesdays and Fridays.
[Level_of_Volunteer_Expenses_from_case__c] =>
[Potential_for_Income_Generation__c] =>
[Other_Financial_Considerations__c] =>
[Local_Public_Transit__c] =>
[Availability_of_Surplus_Food_from_case__c] =>
[Do_we_have_exisiting_pools_of_volunteers__c] => Report of volunteers with relevant postcodes attached in Files.
[Case__c] => 500Qs000007Mj5uIAC
[Iplicit_funder_code__c] =>
[Last_Deep_Clean_Date__c] =>
[Wales_Sub_Category__c] =>
[Scotland_Sub_Category__c] =>
[Internal_Delivery_Address__c] =>
[Group_Type__c] =>
[from_cache] =>
[cached] =>
[is_redo] =>