HTTP method: GET

URL of API call to Salesforce:

API result from Salesforce

[code] => 200
[data] => Array
[attributes] => Array
[type] => Account
[url] => /services/data/v55.0/sobjects/Account/001Qs000003sy8rIAA

[Id] => 001Qs000003sy8rIAA
[IsDeleted] =>
[MasterRecordId] =>
[Name] => FoodCycle London Roehampton
[Type] => FoodCycle Hub
[RecordTypeId] => 01208000000kg3sAAA
[ParentId] =>
[BillingStreet] =>
[BillingCity] =>
[BillingState] =>
[BillingPostalCode] =>
[BillingCountry] =>
[BillingLatitude] =>
[BillingLongitude] =>
[BillingGeocodeAccuracy] =>
[BillingAddress] =>
[ShippingStreet] => Roehampton Methodist Church, Minstead Gardens
[ShippingCity] => London
[ShippingState] =>
[ShippingPostalCode] => SW15 4EB
[ShippingCountry] =>
[ShippingLatitude] =>
[ShippingLongitude] =>
[ShippingGeocodeAccuracy] =>
[ShippingAddress] => Array
[city] => London
[country] =>
[geocodeAccuracy] =>
[latitude] =>
[longitude] =>
[postalCode] => SW15 4EB
[state] =>
[street] => Roehampton Methodist Church, Minstead Gardens

[Phone] => 07972590370
[Fax] =>
[AccountNumber] =>
[Website] =>
[PhotoUrl] => /services/images/photo/001Qs000003sy8rIAA
[Sic] =>
[Industry] =>
[AnnualRevenue] =>
[NumberOfEmployees] =>
[Ownership] =>
[TickerSymbol] =>
[Description] =>
[Rating] =>
[Site] =>
[OwnerId] => 005Qs000000yqjhIAA
[CreatedDate] => 2023-11-09T12:36:59.000+0000
[CreatedById] => 0051p00000AnIBTAA3
[LastModifiedDate] => 2024-09-29T03:45:11.000+0000
[LastModifiedById] => 00524000001NODJAA4
[SystemModstamp] => 2024-09-29T03:45:11.000+0000
[LastActivityDate] => 2024-09-16
[LastViewedDate] => 2024-09-20T13:54:54.000+0000
[LastReferencedDate] => 2024-09-20T13:54:54.000+0000
[IsCustomerPortal] =>
[Jigsaw] =>
[JigsawCompanyId] =>
[AccountSource] => Project Leader Application Form
[SicDesc] =>
[npe01__One2OneContact__c] =>
[npe01__SYSTEMIsIndividual__c] =>
[npe01__SYSTEM_AccountType__c] =>
[npe01__FirstDonationDate__c] =>
[npe01__LastDonationDate__c] =>
[npe01__LifetimeDonationHistory_Amount__c] => 0
[npe01__LifetimeDonationHistory_Number__c] => 0
[npo02__AverageAmount__c] => 0
[npo02__Best_Gift_Year_Total__c] =>
[npo02__Best_Gift_Year__c] =>
[npo02__FirstCloseDate__c] =>
[npo02__Formal_Greeting__c] =>
[npo02__HouseholdPhone__c] =>
[npo02__Informal_Greeting__c] =>
[npo02__LargestAmount__c] => 0
[npo02__LastCloseDate__c] =>
[npo02__LastMembershipAmount__c] => 0
[npo02__LastMembershipDate__c] =>
[npo02__LastMembershipLevel__c] =>
[npo02__LastMembershipOrigin__c] =>
[npo02__LastOppAmount__c] => 0
[npo02__MembershipEndDate__c] =>
[npo02__MembershipJoinDate__c] =>
[npo02__NumberOfClosedOpps__c] => 0
[npo02__NumberOfMembershipOpps__c] => 0
[npo02__OppAmount2YearsAgo__c] => 0
[npo02__OppAmountLastNDays__c] => 0
[npo02__OppAmountLastYear__c] => 0
[npo02__OppAmountThisYear__c] => 0
[npo02__OppsClosed2YearsAgo__c] => 0
[npo02__OppsClosedLastNDays__c] => 0
[npo02__OppsClosedLastYear__c] => 0
[npo02__OppsClosedThisYear__c] => 0
[npo02__SmallestAmount__c] => 0
[npo02__TotalMembershipOppAmount__c] => 0
[npo02__TotalOppAmount__c] => 0
[npsp__Batch__c] =>
[npsp__Number_of_Household_Members__c] =>
[npsp__Membership_Span__c] =>
[npsp__Membership_Status__c] =>
[npsp__Funding_Focus__c] =>
[npsp__Grantmaker__c] =>
[Email__c] =>
[Total_Donations_Current_FY__c] =>
[Sage_Account_Number__c] =>
[Org_Sub_Type__c] =>
[Date_Founded__c] =>
[Social_Media__c] =>
[Account_Rating__c] => status color
[Average_Outreach__c] => 0
[HOC__Address_Visibility__c] => City and Zip only
[Application_Procedure__c] =>
[Area_of_Operation__c] =>
[Charity_Commission_Link__c] =>
[Charity_No__c] =>
[Company_No__c] =>
[Contribution_Type__c] =>
[HOC__Age_Groups_Served__c] =>
[East_Midlands_Sub_Category__c] =>
[East_of_England_Sub_Category__c] =>
[England_Sub_Categories__c] =>
[Funding_Exclusions__c] =>
[HOC__Also_Known_As__c] =>
[Focus__c] =>
[HOC__Auto_Approve_Opportunity__c] =>
[HOC__Banner_URL__c] =>
[Hub_Type__c] => Directly Delivered
[Launch_Date__c] => 2024-01-20
[LinkedIn_Company_Page__c] =>
[Location_Specific_Sub_Category__c] =>
[London_Sub_Category__c] =>
[North_East_Sub_Category__c] =>
[North_West_Sub_Category__c] =>
[Other_Contribution__c] =>
[Other_Social_Media_Blog__c] =>
[Partner__c] => 0010800003GY9P8AAL
[HOC__CreationSource__c] =>
[South_East_Sub_Category__c] =>
[South_West__c] =>
[Status_of_Relationship__c] =>
[Typical_Grant_Size__c] =>
[UK_SubCategory__c] =>
[West_Midlands_Sub_Category__c] =>
[Yorkshire_and_the_Humber__c] =>
[Instagram__c] =>
[Funding_Priorities__c] =>
[HOC__Federal_EIN__c] =>
[Hub_Time_of_Operation__c] =>
[Hub_Operational_Status__c] => Operational
[Twitter__c] =>
[Facebook__c] =>
[LinkedIn__c] =>
[Featured_in_Invisible_Grantmakers__c] =>
[Reporting_requirements__c] =>
[Trustfunding__c] =>
[Food_Donation_Rating__c] =>
[Franchise_Partner__c] =>
[First_Cook_Date__c] => 2024-01-20
[Franchise_Contract_Sign_Date__c] =>
[HOC__For_Business_Description__c] =>
[Other_key_dates__c] =>
[Memo_of_Understanding_Sign_Date__c] => 2023-11-07
[HOC__For_Business__c] =>
[HOC__Genders_Served__c] => All Genders Served
[Health__c] =>
[Age__c] =>
[Social_or_Economic_Circumstance__c] =>
[Disability__c] =>
[Faith_based__c] =>
[HOC__Goods_and_Services__c] =>
[HOC__HOC_Domain_Name__c] =>
[HOC__HON_Affiliate_ID__c] =>
[HOC__Impact_Area__c] => Hunger & Homelessness
[HOC__Import_ID__c] =>
[HOC__Invitation_Code__c] =>
[HOC__LastModifiedByV2__c] =>
[HOC__Logo_Image__c] => Sponsor Image
[HOC__Logo_URL__c] =>
[HOC__Mission_Statement__c] =>
[HOC__Number_of_Organizations__c] => 1
[HOC__Opportunity_Approval_Manager_Email__c] =>
[HOC__Opportunity_Approval_Manager__c] => 00524000005E0oKAAS
[HOC__Opportunity_Coordinator__c] =>
[HOC__Partner_Approval_Manager__c] => 00524000005E0oKAAS
[HOC__Populations_Served__c] =>
[HOC__Primary_Address__c] => Billing
[HOC__Primary_City__c] =>
[HOC__Primary_Contact__c] =>
[HOC__Primary_State__c] =>
[HOC__Primary_Street__c] =>
[HOC__Primary_Zip__c] =>
[HOC__Service_Hours_Given__c] => 53
[HOC__Sponsor_Group__c] =>
[HOC__Status__c] => Active Partner
[HOC__Syndication_Logo_URL__c] =>
[HOC__Volunteer_Coordinator_Email__c] =>
[HOC__Volunteer_Coordinator_Name__c] =>
[HOC__Volunteer_Leader_Approval_Manager__c] => 00524000005E0oKAAS
[HOC__ownerIdV2__c] =>
[EHO_Inspection__c] =>
[Contact_UserID__c] =>
[groupid__c] =>
[HOC__Site3_0_CreatedBy__c] =>
[HOC__Site3_0_ModifiedBy__c] =>
[HOC__EditionSource__c] =>
[Account_ID__c] => 001Qs000003sy8r
[EHO_Star_Rating__c] =>
[LA_Registration_Date__c] => 2023-12-19
[Closest_Hub__c] =>
[Account_Name_For__c] => FoodCycle London Roehampton
[Venue_Capacity__c] => 50
[Region__c] => South London
[Closed_Date__c] =>
[Restricted_Funding__c] =>
[Restricted_Area__c] =>
[Total_Orders_Cost__c] =>
[Total_Cost_for_Orders_this_FY__c] =>
[Additional_food_costs_This_FY__c] =>
[Total_Activity_Costs_this_FY__c] => 0
[Venue_Cost_per_year__c] =>
[Franchise_Contract_End_Date__c] =>
[Account_ID_18_Digit__c] => 001Qs000003sy8rIAA
[HOC__Use_for_Team_Creation_Lookup__c] =>
[TASKRAY__trCustomerOnboardingScore__c] =>
[TASKRAY__trDesiredOutcomes__c] =>
[HOC__WrsCode__c] =>
[delivery_information_for_orders__c] =>
[Date_Project_Started_Take_Away_Meals__c] =>
[Corona_Virus_Related_Project_Notes__c] =>
[CoronaVirus_Closure_Date__c] =>
[CoronaVirus_Expected_Open_Date__c] =>
[CoronaVirus_D__c] =>
[Agreed_Hours_at_Project_Venue__c] => 14:00 to 19:00
[Contact_Info__c] =>
[Deadline_Date__c] =>
[C_C_Meal_Collection_Time__c] =>
[Signposting_Referral_Criteria__c] =>
[Service_Shelter__c] =>
[Service_Food__c] =>
[Service_Clothing_Bank__c] =>
[Service_Baby_Bank__c] =>
[Service_Other__c] =>
[Hub_Days_of_Operation__c] => Saturday
[Link_to_Project_Folder_on_Sharepoint__c] =>
[Venue_Fire_Safety_Plan_Uploaded__c] => 1
[Owner_Email__c] =>
[Do_Not_Contact_Via_Phone__c] =>
[Do_Not_Contact_via_Email__c] =>
[Do_Not_Contact_via_Mail__c] =>
[Total_Community_Meals_Provided__c] => 817
[Total_Food_Saved_KG__c] => 2447.95
[Return_to_CD_dates__c] =>
[Total_Community_Meals_CY__c] => 817
[Total_Surplus_Food_CY__c] => 2447.95
[FoodCycle_Area__c] => London and the South East
[Project_Leader_Recruitment_Status__c] => Pro-actively Recruiting
[Last_Activity__c] => 2024-09-16
[Disable_Toilet_at_Venue__c] => 1
[Disabled_Parking_at_Venue__c] =>
[Disability_Access_at_Venue__c] => 1
[Finance_Project_Code__c] => LO123
[XERO_GUID__c] =>
[Support_Officer__c] => 005Qs000001OqsvIAC
[User__c] =>
[Area_Manager__c] => 0051p00000AnIBTAA3
[Welcome_texts_for_guests__c] =>
[Volunteer_Opportunity__c] => a1zQs000000aMd7IAE
[Primary_Opportunity_link__c] =>
[Family_Friendly_open_project__c] => 1
[wrapmealsthisyear__c] => 5828.45241
[Geographical_Guest_Region_Nation__c] =>
[How_to_Find_us_for_website_pages__c] => At Minstead Gardens, which is a one way street, look out for a single storey building on your left. There is a large car park.
[FCProject__c] =>
[Community_Partner_Services_Offered__c] =>
[Create_Community_Partner__c] =>
[FoodCycle_Project_Address__c] => Roehampton Methodist Church, Minstead Gardens, Roehampton, London, SW15 4EB
[Guest_Arrival_time__c] => 5 pm
[Weekly_Guest_Texts__c] => 1
[Capital_Funder__c] =>
[Primary_Venue_contact__c] => 003Qs000003Og1FIAS
[Secondary_Venue_contact__c] => 003Qs000003OhVHIA0
[Venue_Cost_per_month__c] =>
[Venue_cost_per_session__c] => 50
[Venue_Cost_per_hour__c] =>
[Franchise_Nominated_Individual__c] =>
[Prospect_Ranking__c] =>
[Can_support_project_with__c] =>
[Contacted_by_CiC_team__c] =>
[Contacted_by_Development_Team__c] =>
[DEV_TEAM_Services_Offered__c] =>
[Organisation_Notes_Community_Partners__c] =>
[Referral_type__c] =>
[Service_Operation_Status__c] =>
[Last_MOU_review_date__c] => 2023-11-07
[Signposting_Service_Description__c] =>
[Organisation_Relationship_Status__c] =>
[Signpostin_Organisation_type__c] =>
[Project_Description_for_fundraising__c] =>
[Key_system_and_key_holder_names__c] =>
[Project_on_Euan_s_guide_site__c] => 1
[Closed_Project__c] =>
[COSHH_Sheets_present_for_project__c] => 1
[Date_COSHH_sheets_added_reviewed__c] => 2024-01-03
[Risk_Assessment__c] => 1
[Date_Risk_Assessment__c] => 2024-01-03
[Local_Communities_Description_from_case__c] => Context:
Roehampton is part of the borough of Wandsworth. While Wandsworth contains wealthier neighbourhoods such as Clapham, Putney and Balham, Roehampton is a more deprived enclave in the borough. Roehampton is also the home of one of the largest council estates in the UK – the Alton Estate. Despite higher levels of deprivation, Roehampton has less food provision than other parts of Wandsworth or London, being a little less central (more details further on).

• In the Roehampton ward (area previous called Alton and the Vale/Roehampton and Putney Heath), residents are on average younger than across Wandsworth or London as a whole. According to the Roehampton Health Profile 2018 (, “there are around 2088 children and young people aged under 15 living in the Alton and Putney Vale area, representing 21% of the local population. A third of households have dependent children.”
• In 2011 (ONS Census data), the median age in the Roehampton ward was 29, compared to 32 in Wandsworth and 33 in London.
• However, the area also has a higher proportion of residents aged 65 and over than the Wandsworth average, with 4.9% of the population aged 65 to 74 (4.7% in Wandsworth), 3.7% aged 75 to 84 (2.9% in Wandsworth), and 2% aged 85 or more (1.2% in Wandsworth).

• The ethnic make up of Roehampton residents versus Wandsworth, London and England & Wales residents is as follows:
Total White: 65.5% (vs 71.4% in Wandsworth, 59.8% in London and 86% in England & Wales)
Total Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Group: 6.5% (vs 5% in Wandsworth, 5% in London and 2.2% in England & Wales)
Total Asian/Asian British: 11.2% (vs 10.9% in Wandsworth, 18.5% in London and 7.5% in England & Wales)
Total Black/African/Caribbean/Black British: 13.6% (vs 10.7% in Wandsworth, 13.3% in London and 3.3% in England & Wales)
• Within Roehampton, ethnicity profiles are different in the Alton and in Putney Vale; according to the Roehampton Health Profile 2018, “nearly 40% of Alton residents are from Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) groups compared to 31% in Putney Vale and 30% across Wandsworth. A higher proportion of the community in Putney Vale are from White ethnic groups (69%) than on the Alton (60%), and a higher proportion are from Other White ethnic groups (26% compared to 18% on the Alton”.

• At the 2011 Census, 74.4% of Roehampton residents indicated their first language was English, as opposed to 82.6% of Wandsworth residents, 77.9% of London residents, and 92.3% of England & Wales residents.
• According to the Roehampton Health Profile 2018, there is a higher proportion of children in Roehampton vs Wandsworth who speak Urdu, Somali, Polish and Arabic.

• Roehampton residents’ religions as stated in the ONS 2011 Census roughly followed Wandsworth and London trends, with a Christian population larger in proportion to that of London but smaller than that of England & Wales, and a Muslim population smaller in proportion to that of London as a whole, but larger than that of England & Wales.
• The make up of religions across Roehampton (vs Wandsworth, London and England & Wales) is as follows (including only percentages over 1):
Christian: 52.9% (vs 53% in Wandsworth, 48.4% in London and 59.3% in England & Wales)
No Religion: 24.2% (vs 27% in Wandsworth, 20.7% in London and 25.1% in England & Wales)
Muslim (Islam): 11.1% (vs 8.1% in Wandsworth, 12.4% in London and 4.8% in England & Wales)
Hindu: 1.4% (vs 2.1% in Wandsworth, 5% in London and 1.5% in England & Wales)
Buddhist: 1.1% (vs 0.8% in Wandsworth, 1% in London and 0.4% in England & Wales)


• “Around 42% of the population (4150 people) live in areas that are amongst the 20% most deprived neighbourhoods in England (LSOA 13B and 23B). These are the 8th and 11th most deprived neighbourhoods in Wandsworth. The other local areas are ranked amongst the 30% (LSOA 23C&D) and 40% most deprived neighbourhoods in England (LSOA 23A). Around 61% of the population live in areas that are amongst the 10% most deprived in England with respect to income deprivation affecting children and older people (LSOA 13B, 23B&C). • All the areas in Alton and Putney Vale are in the 10% or 20% most deprived neighbourhoods in England with respect to barriers to housing and services.”

• A significant part of Roehampton is occupied by the Alton Estate, one of the largest council estates in the UK.
[Food_Poverty_Examples_from_Case__c] => Roehampton Methodist Church holds a Turssell Trust foodbank on a Friday – this is well attended.
In partnership with the council, Chantelle Bent started on the Alton estate in August a meal service on Tuesdays (lunchtime), meals can be taken away or eaten on site, although the space to eat isn’t very big. This is attended by over 100 people, and Chantelle as well as other stakeholders in the estate/area of Roehampton agree a meal like FoodCycle’s would be a good addition.
Roehampton Methodist Church has a lunch club for the over 60s on Thursday lunchtimes, this is at low prices.
A community pantry run by Rackets Cubed, Roehampton Community Box, runs on Wednesdays and Thursdays. This started during the pandemic and is continuing to be very well attended.

In 2019/2020, the Lambeth and Wandsworth Food Poverty report signalled that “Areas in Wandsworth such as Roehampton repeatedly arose in conversation surrounding poor transport links to areas with affordable supermarkets. Residents reported a level of isolation in this region who were unable to access shopping centres comparable to those in other Greater London boroughs such as Croydon and Merton.”
[Issues_of_Social_Isolation_from_case__c] => Regenerate-RISE operates in the Roehampton area and specifically support older residents on the Alton estate with issues around social isolation and loneliness.

The Alton Estate and Roehampton in general rank very high in risk of loneliness in people aged 65+ according to Age UK data –
[Existing_Services_in_the_Area_from_case__c] =>

Roehampton Methodist Church holds a Turssell Trust foodbank on a Friday – this is well attended.

In partnership with the council, Chantelle Bent started on the Alton estate in August a meal service on Tuesdays (lunchtime), meals can be taken away or eaten on site, although the space to eat isn't very big. This is attended by over 100 people, and Chantelle as well as other stakeholders in the estate/area of Roehampton agree a meal like FoodCycle's would be a good addition.

Roehampton Methodist Church has a lunch club for the over 60s on Thursday lunchtimes, this is at low prices.

A community pantry run by Rackets Cubed, Roehampton Community Box, runs on Wednesdays and Thursdays. This started during the pandemic and is continuing to be very well attended.

[Level_of_Volunteer_Expenses_from_case__c] =>
[Potential_for_Income_Generation__c] =>
[Other_Financial_Considerations__c] =>
[Local_Public_Transit__c] => Buses get into Roehampton from various bigger stations (Putney, Clapham).
[Availability_of_Surplus_Food_from_case__c] => City Harvest could get to Roehampton without issues.
[Do_we_have_exisiting_pools_of_volunteers__c] => List of volunteers with relevant postcodes attached – 350 in the area.
[Case__c] => 5000800004w48NmAAI
[Iplicit_funder_code__c] =>
[Last_Deep_Clean_Date__c] =>
[Wales_Sub_Category__c] =>
[Scotland_Sub_Category__c] =>
[Internal_Delivery_Address__c] =>
[Group_Type__c] =>

[from_cache] =>
[cached] =>
[is_redo] =>