HTTP method: GET
URL of API call to Salesforce:
API result from Salesforce
[code] => 200
[data] => Array
[attributes] => Array
[type] => Account
[url] => /services/data/v55.0/sobjects/Account/001Qs00000BWKRuIAP
[Id] => 001Qs00000BWKRuIAP
[IsDeleted] =>
[MasterRecordId] =>
[Name] => FoodCycle Slough
[Type] => FoodCycle Hub
[RecordTypeId] => 01208000000kg3sAAA
[ParentId] =>
[BillingStreet] =>
[BillingCity] =>
[BillingState] =>
[BillingPostalCode] =>
[BillingCountry] =>
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[BillingAddress] =>
[ShippingStreet] =>
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[Phone] =>
[Fax] =>
[AccountNumber] =>
[Website] =>
[PhotoUrl] => /services/images/photo/001Qs00000BWKRuIAP
[Sic] =>
[Industry] =>
[AnnualRevenue] =>
[NumberOfEmployees] =>
[Ownership] =>
[TickerSymbol] =>
[Description] =>
[Rating] =>
[Site] =>
[OwnerId] => 0051p00000AnIBTAA3
[CreatedDate] => 2024-05-23T09:16:57.000+0000
[CreatedById] => 0051p00000AnIBTAA3
[LastModifiedDate] => 2024-05-23T09:19:23.000+0000
[LastModifiedById] => 0051p00000AnIBTAA3
[SystemModstamp] => 2024-05-23T09:19:23.000+0000
[LastActivityDate] =>
[LastViewedDate] =>
[LastReferencedDate] =>
[IsCustomerPortal] =>
[Jigsaw] =>
[JigsawCompanyId] =>
[AccountSource] =>
[SicDesc] =>
[npe01__One2OneContact__c] =>
[npe01__SYSTEMIsIndividual__c] =>
[npe01__SYSTEM_AccountType__c] =>
[npe01__FirstDonationDate__c] =>
[npe01__LastDonationDate__c] =>
[npe01__LifetimeDonationHistory_Amount__c] => 0
[npe01__LifetimeDonationHistory_Number__c] => 0
[npo02__AverageAmount__c] => 0
[npo02__Best_Gift_Year_Total__c] =>
[npo02__Best_Gift_Year__c] =>
[npo02__FirstCloseDate__c] =>
[npo02__Formal_Greeting__c] =>
[npo02__HouseholdPhone__c] =>
[npo02__Informal_Greeting__c] =>
[npo02__LargestAmount__c] => 0
[npo02__LastCloseDate__c] =>
[npo02__LastMembershipAmount__c] => 0
[npo02__LastMembershipDate__c] =>
[npo02__LastMembershipLevel__c] =>
[npo02__LastMembershipOrigin__c] =>
[npo02__LastOppAmount__c] => 0
[npo02__MembershipEndDate__c] =>
[npo02__MembershipJoinDate__c] =>
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[npo02__NumberOfMembershipOpps__c] => 0
[npo02__OppAmount2YearsAgo__c] => 0
[npo02__OppAmountLastNDays__c] => 0
[npo02__OppAmountLastYear__c] => 0
[npo02__OppAmountThisYear__c] => 0
[npo02__OppsClosed2YearsAgo__c] => 0
[npo02__OppsClosedLastNDays__c] => 0
[npo02__OppsClosedLastYear__c] => 0
[npo02__OppsClosedThisYear__c] => 0
[npo02__SmallestAmount__c] => 0
[npo02__TotalMembershipOppAmount__c] => 0
[npo02__TotalOppAmount__c] => 0
[npsp__Batch__c] =>
[npsp__Number_of_Household_Members__c] =>
[npsp__Membership_Span__c] =>
[npsp__Membership_Status__c] =>
[npsp__Funding_Focus__c] =>
[npsp__Grantmaker__c] =>
[Email__c] =>
[Total_Donations_Current_FY__c] =>
[Sage_Account_Number__c] =>
[Org_Sub_Type__c] =>
[Date_Founded__c] =>
[Social_Media__c] =>
[Account_Rating__c] =>
[Average_Outreach__c] => 0
[HOC__Address_Visibility__c] => City and Zip only
[Application_Procedure__c] =>
[Area_of_Operation__c] =>
[Charity_Commission_Link__c] =>
[Charity_No__c] =>
[Company_No__c] =>
[Contribution_Type__c] =>
[HOC__Age_Groups_Served__c] =>
[East_Midlands_Sub_Category__c] =>
[East_of_England_Sub_Category__c] =>
[England_Sub_Categories__c] =>
[Funding_Exclusions__c] =>
[HOC__Also_Known_As__c] =>
[Focus__c] =>
[HOC__Auto_Approve_Opportunity__c] =>
[HOC__Banner_URL__c] =>
[Hub_Type__c] => Directly Delivered
[Launch_Date__c] =>
[LinkedIn_Company_Page__c] =>
[Location_Specific_Sub_Category__c] =>
[London_Sub_Category__c] =>
[North_East_Sub_Category__c] =>
[North_West_Sub_Category__c] =>
[Other_Contribution__c] =>
[Other_Social_Media_Blog__c] =>
[Partner__c] => 001Qs00000BQWHMIA5
[HOC__CreationSource__c] =>
[South_East_Sub_Category__c] =>
[South_West__c] =>
[Status_of_Relationship__c] =>
[Typical_Grant_Size__c] =>
[UK_SubCategory__c] =>
[West_Midlands_Sub_Category__c] =>
[Yorkshire_and_the_Humber__c] =>
[Instagram__c] =>
[Funding_Priorities__c] =>
[HOC__Federal_EIN__c] =>
[Hub_Time_of_Operation__c] =>
[Hub_Operational_Status__c] => Set up
[Twitter__c] =>
[Facebook__c] =>
[LinkedIn__c] =>
[Featured_in_Invisible_Grantmakers__c] =>
[Reporting_requirements__c] =>
[Trustfunding__c] =>
[Food_Donation_Rating__c] =>
[Franchise_Partner__c] =>
[First_Cook_Date__c] => 2024-07-08
[Franchise_Contract_Sign_Date__c] =>
[HOC__For_Business_Description__c] =>
[Other_key_dates__c] =>
[Memo_of_Understanding_Sign_Date__c] =>
[HOC__For_Business__c] =>
[HOC__Genders_Served__c] => All Genders Served
[Health__c] =>
[Age__c] =>
[Social_or_Economic_Circumstance__c] =>
[Disability__c] =>
[Faith_based__c] =>
[HOC__Goods_and_Services__c] =>
[HOC__HOC_Domain_Name__c] =>
[HOC__HON_Affiliate_ID__c] =>
[HOC__Impact_Area__c] => Hunger & Homelessness
[HOC__Import_ID__c] =>
[HOC__Invitation_Code__c] =>
[HOC__LastModifiedByV2__c] =>
[HOC__Logo_Image__c] =>
[HOC__Logo_URL__c] =>
[HOC__Mission_Statement__c] =>
[HOC__Number_of_Organizations__c] => 1
[HOC__Opportunity_Approval_Manager_Email__c] =>
[HOC__Opportunity_Approval_Manager__c] => 00524000005E0oKAAS
[HOC__Opportunity_Coordinator__c] =>
[HOC__Partner_Approval_Manager__c] => 00524000005E0oKAAS
[HOC__Populations_Served__c] =>
[HOC__Primary_Address__c] => Billing
[HOC__Primary_City__c] =>
[HOC__Primary_Contact__c] =>
[HOC__Primary_State__c] =>
[HOC__Primary_Street__c] =>
[HOC__Primary_Zip__c] =>
[HOC__Service_Hours_Given__c] =>
[HOC__Sponsor_Group__c] =>
[HOC__Status__c] => Active Partner
[HOC__Syndication_Logo_URL__c] =>
[HOC__Volunteer_Coordinator_Email__c] =>
[HOC__Volunteer_Coordinator_Name__c] =>
[HOC__Volunteer_Leader_Approval_Manager__c] => 00524000005E0oKAAS
[HOC__ownerIdV2__c] =>
[EHO_Inspection__c] =>
[Contact_UserID__c] =>
[groupid__c] =>
[HOC__Site3_0_CreatedBy__c] =>
[HOC__Site3_0_ModifiedBy__c] =>
[HOC__EditionSource__c] =>
[Account_ID__c] => 001Qs00000BWKRu
[EHO_Star_Rating__c] =>
[LA_Registration_Date__c] =>
[Closest_Hub__c] =>
[Account_Name_For__c] => FoodCycle Slough
[Venue_Capacity__c] => 45
[Region__c] => South East
[Closed_Date__c] =>
[Restricted_Funding__c] =>
[Restricted_Area__c] =>
[Total_Orders_Cost__c] =>
[Total_Cost_for_Orders_this_FY__c] =>
[Additional_food_costs_This_FY__c] =>
[Total_Activity_Costs_this_FY__c] => 0
[Venue_Cost_per_year__c] =>
[Franchise_Contract_End_Date__c] =>
[Account_ID_18_Digit__c] => 001Qs00000BWKRuIAP
[HOC__Use_for_Team_Creation_Lookup__c] =>
[TASKRAY__trCustomerOnboardingScore__c] =>
[TASKRAY__trDesiredOutcomes__c] =>
[HOC__WrsCode__c] =>
[delivery_information_for_orders__c] =>
[Date_Project_Started_Take_Away_Meals__c] =>
[Corona_Virus_Related_Project_Notes__c] =>
[CoronaVirus_Closure_Date__c] =>
[CoronaVirus_Expected_Open_Date__c] =>
[CoronaVirus_D__c] =>
[Agreed_Hours_at_Project_Venue__c] => 11:00 to 15:00
[Contact_Info__c] =>
[Deadline_Date__c] =>
[C_C_Meal_Collection_Time__c] =>
[Signposting_Referral_Criteria__c] =>
[Service_Shelter__c] =>
[Service_Food__c] =>
[Service_Clothing_Bank__c] =>
[Service_Baby_Bank__c] =>
[Service_Other__c] =>
[Hub_Days_of_Operation__c] => Monday
[Link_to_Project_Folder_on_Sharepoint__c] =>
[Venue_Fire_Safety_Plan_Uploaded__c] =>
[Owner_Email__c] =>
[Do_Not_Contact_Via_Phone__c] =>
[Do_Not_Contact_via_Email__c] =>
[Do_Not_Contact_via_Mail__c] =>
[Total_Community_Meals_Provided__c] => 0
[Total_Food_Saved_KG__c] => 0
[Return_to_CD_dates__c] =>
[Total_Community_Meals_CY__c] =>
[Total_Surplus_Food_CY__c] =>
[FoodCycle_Area__c] =>
[Project_Leader_Recruitment_Status__c] => Pro-actively Recruiting
[Last_Activity__c] =>
[Disable_Toilet_at_Venue__c] =>
[Disabled_Parking_at_Venue__c] =>
[Disability_Access_at_Venue__c] =>
[Finance_Project_Code__c] =>
[XERO_GUID__c] =>
[Support_Officer__c] => 0050800000G6o3lAAB
[User__c] =>
[Area_Manager__c] => 0051p00000AnIBTAA3
[Welcome_texts_for_guests__c] =>
[Volunteer_Opportunity__c] =>
[Primary_Opportunity_link__c] => opportunity/
[Family_Friendly_open_project__c] => 1
[wrapmealsthisyear__c] => 0
[Geographical_Guest_Region_Nation__c] =>
[How_to_Find_us_for_website_pages__c] =>
[FCProject__c] =>
[Community_Partner_Services_Offered__c] =>
[Create_Community_Partner__c] =>
[FoodCycle_Project_Address__c] =>
[Guest_Arrival_time__c] =>
[Weekly_Guest_Texts__c] =>
[Capital_Funder__c] =>
[Primary_Venue_contact__c] =>
[Secondary_Venue_contact__c] =>
[Venue_Cost_per_month__c] =>
[Venue_cost_per_session__c] =>
[Venue_Cost_per_hour__c] =>
[Franchise_Nominated_Individual__c] =>
[Prospect_Ranking__c] =>
[Can_support_project_with__c] =>
[Contacted_by_CiC_team__c] =>
[Contacted_by_Development_Team__c] =>
[DEV_TEAM_Services_Offered__c] =>
[Organisation_Notes_Community_Partners__c] =>
[Referral_type__c] =>
[Service_Operation_Status__c] =>
[Last_MOU_review_date__c] =>
[Signposting_Service_Description__c] =>
[Organisation_Relationship_Status__c] =>
[Signpostin_Organisation_type__c] =>
[Project_Description_for_fundraising__c] =>
[Key_system_and_key_holder_names__c] =>
[Project_on_Euan_s_guide_site__c] =>
[Closed_Project__c] =>
[COSHH_Sheets_present_for_project__c] =>
[Date_COSHH_sheets_added_reviewed__c] =>
[Risk_Assessment__c] =>
[Date_Risk_Assessment__c] =>
[Local_Communities_Description_from_case__c] => Councillor Amjad Abbasi
Title: Mayor and Liberal Democrat Group Leader
Party: Liberal Democrats
Ward: Elliman
Councillor Asim Naveed
Party: Liberal Democrats
Ward: Elliman
Ward data summaries –
Elliman Ward – pages 22-26:
Elliman ward (born 2014) is in the north of the Borough. The first modern factory in Slough was built by Elliman, Sons & Co in 1870, which produced Elliman’s embrocation, a medical lotion. The ward was also home to the Horlicks factory on Stoke Poges Lane, which, along with the surrounding area, is now being converted into apartments, houses, and green spaces as part of the Horlicks Quarter development.
Elliman has a population of 8.7k, is the 4th most deprived ward in Slough on the index of multiple deprivation and had a higher than average number of households with multiple needs in the 2011 census.
The data shows the ward is ranked worse than the England average for health deprivation, with high levels of emergency hospital admissions, cancer, obesity, and loneliness.
Elliman has high levels of people receiving benefits, lower than average net annual household income, and ranked worse than average for overall income deprivation and income deprivation affecting older people but better than average for income deprivation affecting children.
The ward scored better than average for employment deprivation but still has high levels of unemployment. Employment and income can be linked to education and skills, and the ward ranked worse than average for education, skills and training deprivation, with lower than average key stage 4 (GCSE) scores and high levels of adults with no or low qualifications and/or low English language proficiency, but better than average levels of young people entering higher education.
All wards ranked worse than the England average for barriers to housing and local services, which includes issues relating to access to housing such as affordability and overcrowding. All wards also have higher than average house prices, a higher than average amount of savings required for an entry level house, and lower than average tenant and leaseholder satisfaction with condition of home.
14 of Slough’s 15 wards ranked worse than average for crime deprivation, but Baylis & Stoke ranked the most deprived in Slough, with high rates for 13 of the 15 types of crime included in the data. On the other hand, the data shows good community cohesion with better than average scores for local social relationships, belonging, satisfaction with the area as a place to live, but scored worse than average for all three indicators of the community needs index.
All wards ranked worse than average for outdoor living environment deprivation and air quality. Elliman also ranked worse than average for road traffic accidents and overall living environment deprivation, but better than average for indoor living environment.
Based on the Indices of Deprivation, the top 3 priorities for Elliman are:
• Crime
• Skills, employment and income
• Health
Population (2019)
• Population count: 8,715
• Population Age:
o 0-15: 25.99%
o Working age (16-64): 62.87%
o 65+: 11.14%
• Population density per hectare: 59.49
• Broad ethnic groups:
o White: 30.12%
o Mixed: 3.00%
o Asian: 54.41%
o Black: 9.54%
o Arab: 0.54%
o Other: 2.33%
• Household language:
No people in household have English as a main language: 22.04%
All householders (aged 16+) have English as a main language: 51.36%
At least one but not all householders (aged 16+) have English as a main language: 22.34%
No adults but at least one person aged 3 to 15 has English as a main language: 4.22%
• 4th most deprived ward in Slough (IoD 2019) More deprived than the England and Slough average
• Higher than average proportion of households with multiple needs (2011 census)
Health and Wellbeing
• IoD: Ranked worse than average on the health deprivation and disability domain (15th)
The underlying indicators of the health deprivation and disability domain show that the ward scored worse than average for emergency hospital admissions and premature deaths but scored better than average for mental health and work limiting illness and disability.
• Bharani Medical Centre on Lansdowne Avenue has 13,143 patients and is part of SHAPE (Slough Health Alliance Provider Enterprise).
• Kumar Medical Centre has 4,877 patients and is part of SPINE (Slough Providers Innovation Network Enterprise).
• Crosby House Surgery has 11,862 patients and is part of CSN (Central Slough Network).
• Higher than average:
o proportion of babies born with a low birth weight
o emergency hospital admissions (standardised admissions ratio)
o deaths from all causes (standardised mortality ratio)
o incidence of cancer
o percentage of overweight and obese children in reception and year 6
o probability of loneliness for those aged 65+
o higher than average proportion of children providing unpaid care (2011 census)
o proportion of Carers Allowance claimants o proportion of older people receiving Attendance Allowance
o proportion of older people receiving the Higher Rate of Attendance Allowance
o proportion of older people receiving the Lower Rate of Attendance Allowance
• Lower than average male and female life expectancy
• IoD:
o Ranked worse than average on the barriers to housing and services domain (9th) and the wider barriers subdomain (4th), but ranked better than average on the geographical barriers subdomain (13th)
o The underlying indicators of the barriers to housing and services domain show that the ward scored worse than average for household overcrowding and housing affordability but better than average for the average road distance to a primary school, general store/supermarket, post office, and GP surgery.
o Ranked worse than average on the overall living environment domain (4th) but better than average on the indoors subdomain (4th)
o The underlying indicators of the indoors living environment subdomain show that the ward has a lower than average proportion of housing in poor condition but a higher than average proportion of housing without central heating.
• Higher than average:
o proportion of people receiving Housing Benefit
o number of overcrowded houses (2011 census)
o house prices
o savings required for 15% deposit and stamp duty for an entry level house
o gap between entry level house price and 4.5 times average annual salary
• Lower than average:
o tenant and leaseholder satisfaction with condition of home
o proportion of addresses with private outdoor space
Income, Businesses, Education, Skills and Jobs
• IoD:
o Scored better than average on the employment deprivation domain (3rd)
o Scored worse than average on the overall income deprivation domain (6th) and the income deprivation affecting older people subset (4th), but scored better than average on the income deprivation affecting children subset (10th)
o Ranked worse than average for the overall education, skills and training deprivation domain (5th), the adult skills subdomain (5th ), and the children and young people subdomain (9th)
o The underlying indicators of the education, skills and training deprivation domain show that the ward has a better than average proportion of young people entering higher education and a worse than average proportion of adults with no or low qualifications and/or low English language proficiency.
• Higher than average:
o proportion of people receiving any DWP benefits
o levels of unemployment, including a higher than average proportion of individuals claiming ESA, JSA, or Universal Credit
o proportion of youth unemployment (18-24 receiving JSA or Universal Credit)
o proportion of employees at risk of losing their jobs as a result of Covid19 (by employee residence) o proportion of pensioners in poverty receiving pension credit
o proportion of children aged 0-15 in relative low-income families
o percentage of individuals whose highest level of qualification was level 1 (1-4 GCSEs, Scottish Standard Grade, or equivalent qualifications) (2011 census)
o percentage of pupils achieving the expected level in reading, writing and maths at the end of Key stage 2
Hardship Fund Vulnerability Index Score
• Lower than average:
o net annual household income (estimate after housing costs)
o job density (jobs as a percentage of the working age population)
o key stage 4 (GCSE) average point score per pupil
o percentage of individuals whose highest level of qualification was level 4 or above (First or higher degree, professional qualifications, or other equivalent higher education qualifications)
• Elliman has the 9th highest number of residents who are active library borrowers in Slough.
• Wexham Satellite Library has the 5th highest number of active borrowers of Slough’s libraries.
Community Safety
• IoD: Ranked worst in Slough for the crime domain (1st)
• Higher than average rates of total crime offences, violent crime and sexual offences, possession of weapons offences, drug crime offences, public order offences, criminal damage, burglary, robbery recorded offences, theft from person offences, vehicle crime, bicycle theft offences, other theft offences, and other crime offences (June 2020 to May 2021)
Community Cohesion
• Higher than average active and engaged community score in the community needs index (where a higher score indicates a higher level of community need)
• IoD:
o Ranked worse than average on the overall living environment domain (4th) and the outdoors subdomain (4th)
o The underlying indicators of the outdoors living environment subdomain show that the ward has worse than average air quality and a worse than average number of road traffic accidents that resulted in the death or injury of a pedestrian or cyclist.
[Food_Poverty_Examples_from_Case__c] =>
[Issues_of_Social_Isolation_from_case__c] =>
[Existing_Services_in_the_Area_from_case__c] =>
[Level_of_Volunteer_Expenses_from_case__c] =>
[Potential_for_Income_Generation__c] =>
[Other_Financial_Considerations__c] =>
[Local_Public_Transit__c] =>
[Availability_of_Surplus_Food_from_case__c] =>
[Do_we_have_exisiting_pools_of_volunteers__c] =>
[Case__c] => 500Qs000004hxNYIAY
[Iplicit_funder_code__c] =>
[Last_Deep_Clean_Date__c] =>
[from_cache] =>
[cached] =>
[is_redo] =>